xml, dataset, datalist



Dear ASP.NET Programmers,

I need your help on the following case:
1. I have a page coverpage.aspx, on which I load invoice data into the
datalist control dliHospCosts. I use the stored procedure spGetHospAmounts
and load the data.

<TABLE id="Table77" width="100%">
<td align="left" width="7%" valign="top">
<asp:button id="btnEditItemHosp" runat="server" Text="Edit"
<asp:LinkButton id="lnkDeleteItemHosp" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" CommandName="delete">Delete</asp:LinkButton></td>
<TD align="left">
<%# Databinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.SPName") %>
<TD align="right" width="10%"><%# Databinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.InvoiceNo") %></TD>
<TD align="right" width="10%"><%# Databinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.InvoiceDate", "{0:d}") %></TD>
<TD align="right" width="10%"><%# Databinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.ExchangeRate") %></TD>
<TD align="right" width="10%"><%# Databinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.WithoutUs", "{0:n}") %></TD>
<TD align="right" width="10%"><%# Databinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.Difference", "{0:n}") %></TD>
<TD align="right" width="10%" bgcolor="Gainsboro"><%#
Databinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.InvoiceAmount", "{0:n}") %></TD>

2. I get XML string from the dataset ds and save it into a file burak.xml
and into the database as ntext.


Dim strXML As String

strXML = ds.GetXml

strSql = "spNewCoverPage"

myCommand.CommandText = strSql

myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


myCommand.Parameters.Add("@ourFileNo", Session("selectedFileNumber"))

myCommand.Parameters.Add("@xMLData", strXML)



3. Following is the contents of the burak.xml: This is also saved in the
database as ntext.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>

- <NewDataSet>
- <OtherCosts>
<ActionDesc>Airplane Ticket Arrangement</ActionDesc>
- <OtherCosts>
<ActionDesc>Airplane Ticket Arrangement</ActionDesc>
- <OtherCosts>
<ActionDesc>Ground Ambulance</ActionDesc>
- <OtherCosts>
<ActionDesc>Hotel Reservation</ActionDesc>

4. I want to load the XML string from the database into the datalist control
dliHospCosts (same as the one on the coverpage.aspx) on another page
coverpage_generated.aspx. Since, the XML does not have a tag named
ExchangeRate (beacuse it was null), I receive the following error:

DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with
the name ExchangeRate

I hope that I could explain my problem. Thanks in advance,



Oops, I pasted the wrong XML. The correct one should be the following:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
- <NewDataSet>
- <HospCosts>

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