XLA add-in Abort load on Auto_Open



Is there a way to Abort load of an XLA add-in in its Auto_Open or similar

XLA will contain version information. If user is not using the latest
version determined by a function, I want the load/AddinInstall Aborted.
Currently, I use Auto_Open subroutine to call my version check function, but
do not see a way to Abort the Auto_Open or load of the add-in.

Jim Rech

I think you can abort the load simply by having the workbook/add-in close

ThisWorkbook.Close False

| Is there a way to Abort load of an XLA add-in in its Auto_Open or similar
| subroutine.
| XLA will contain version information. If user is not using the latest
| version determined by a function, I want the load/AddinInstall Aborted.
| Currently, I use Auto_Open subroutine to call my version check function,
| do not see a way to Abort the Auto_Open or load of the add-in.

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