XL2002 - trigger sheet event BEFORE deactivating


Trevor Williams

Hi All

I want to inform a user of incomplete cells if they attempt to move to a
different worksheet.

The Worksheet_Deactivate event takes the focus away from the current sheet
before running the code. Is there another event I can use that runs before
displaying the next sheet?

Thanks in advance

Trevor Williams

Peter T

Hi Trevor,

What you are looking for is a BeforeDeactivate event with a Cancel, and
there isn't one. Workaround is to reactivate the sheet if necessary

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
If Len(Range("A1")) = 0 Then ' empty cell A1
On Error GoTo errH:
' if necessary disable events
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Goto Range("A1"), True
MsgBox "Complete cell A1"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Peter T

Jim Rech

I don't think so. We need a 'before deactivate' event with a cancel option.
As a result of this limitation I hide worksheet tabs and make users use my
buttons or menus instead.

message | Hi All
| I want to inform a user of incomplete cells if they attempt to move to a
| different worksheet.
| The Worksheet_Deactivate event takes the focus away from the current sheet
| before running the code. Is there another event I can use that runs
| displaying the next sheet?
| Thanks in advance
| Trevor Williams

Trevor Williams

Hi Peter,

That's what I thought. Bit of an oversight on MS behalf. (perhaps it's in
I'm using navigation controls on my sheets so I'm going with Jim Rech's

Thanks for the response.

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