Wrong Data Type


Lady T

I have created a database combo box with a "Numeric" Data Type that is linked
to many tables. Now, my client is requesting that I add letters to the drop
down box in addition to the numbers. When I tried to change the data type to
"Text" I received the error message, "You can not change the data type of
field size of this field; it is part of one or many relationships". How do I
disconnect the relationship to change the Data Type and Re-establish the
relationship afterwards without losing my data?


1. back up the database.

2. Document the relationships in which this field participates. View
in Acc'07, Databse Tools ribbon, Relationships button, Relationship report
and print it.
In earlier versions, Tools, Relationships, unfortunately there is no report
capability so you need to do a screen capture.
In any case, you need to have a record of how this field is related to which

3. in the relationships window, delete the relationships by right-clicking
the line joining the related fields and delete it. Repeat for all
relationships involving these fields.

4. Change the data type of EACH instance of this field in EACH table, and
update the data to reflect the new letter-number values.

5. Re-establish the relationships per the documentation in Step 2.

Jerry Whittle

This is one reason that you don't let anyone see the 'glue' (primary keys and
foreign keys) that bind the tables together when using artificial keys such
as autonumbers.

If I were in your shoes, I'd leave the original design alone and create
something bogus that makes the client happy.

Failing that you'll need to break any relationships in the Relationships
window. You may also need to break the relationships in queries,
forms/subforms, and reports/subreports. Maybe any lookup tables also. I'd
practice on a copy of the database and keep good backups.

Another option is to tell the client how much it's going to cost to make
this extreme revision. Make the price high enough and the request often goes

Ken Sheridan

In pre-2007 versions the built in Documenter (Tools | Analyze | Documenter on
the main database menu bar) has an option to include relationships. The
result can, if wished, be output as a Word .rtf file with the 'Publish it
with MS Word' button on the toolbar.

It might be worth also mentioning that if the table and its referencing
tables are not already visible in the relationships window then right
clicking within the window and selecting 'show table' from the shortcut menu
can be used to add them.

Otherwise your reply is spot on and should enable the OP to accomplish the
task very easily.

A few supplementary points spring to mind:

1. As the column in question appears not to have had any ordinal or
cardinal characteristics in the first place, it would probably have been
better to have used a text data type from the outset even though the values
contained only numeric characters.

2. Its important that cascade updates be enforced in the relationships so
that any changes to a value in the column in the referenced table are
reflected in the referencing tables.

To largely automate the process a quick, simple and safe option would be to
import the tables into a new blank database using the following 'toolkit'
function in the new file, passing the full path of the existing back end file
into it as a string:

''''code starts''''
Public Function CopyTables(strSourcedb As String)

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim dbs As DAO.Database, dbsSource As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim lngCount As Long, lngN As Long
Dim retVal As Variant

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set dbsSource = OpenDatabase(strSourcedb)

'loop through tabledefs collection and copy tables
lngCount = dbsSource.TableDefs.Count
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Copying Tables", lngCount)
lngN = 1
For Each tdf In dbsSource.TableDefs
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, lngN)
lngN = lngN + 1
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
strSourcedb, acTable, tdf.Name, tdf.Name
End If
Next tdf

' clear status bar
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
Set dbsSource = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Here

End Function
''''code ends''''

Then amend the data types.

Then rebuild the relationships with:

''''code starts''''
Public Function RebuildRelationships(strSourcedb As String)

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim dbs As DAO.Database, dbsSource As DAO.Database
Dim fld As DAO.Field, newfld As DAO.Field
Dim rel As DAO.Relation, newrel As DAO.Relation
Dim lngCount As Long, lngN As Long
Dim retVal As Variant

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set dbsSource = OpenDatabase(strSourcedb)

' rebuild relationships
lngCount = dbsSource.Relations.Count
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Building Relationships", lngCount)
lngN = 1
For Each rel In dbsSource.Relations
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, lngN)
lngN = lngN + 1
' Create new Relation object
Set newrel = dbs.CreateRelation(rel.Name, rel.Table, rel.ForeignTable)
' Set attributes
newrel.Attributes = rel.Attributes
For Each fld In rel.Fields
' Create field in Relation object.
Set newfld = newrel.CreateField(fld.Name)
' Specify field name in foreign table.
newfld.ForeignName = fld.ForeignName
' Append Field object to Fields collection of Relation object.
newrel.Fields.Append newfld
Next fld
' Append Relation object to Relations collection.
dbs.Relations.Append newrel
Next rel

' clear status bar
retVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
Set dbsSource = Nothing
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Here

End Function
''''code ends''''

The old back end file could then be renamed as a temporary backup, and the
new file renamed to the original name of the old file. The application can
then be tested, and once found to be sound the temporary backup can be
disposed of.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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