Writing text string with imbedded quotes to a text stream



I want to write a series of comand line strings having imbedded quotes like
this to a command file (.cmd),

erase "C:\Essay\FE8 Teachers\Code Files.SAS" /Q

Can this be done? (I'm sure it can but I cannot figure out how to do it.)
The quotes are necessary because of the possiblity of spaces in parameters of
the command written to the export file.

The key VBA statement that writes these command line strings is:

OutArray(I) = "erase " & "'" & cel(I, 3) & cel(I, 2) & "'" & " /Q" &

The resulting .cmd file will be executed from a command line window.

As you can see from the code, I am currently using the string "'" to insert
'quotes' around the command lline parameters.

Unfortunately, this does not work. Command line parameters must be brackets
with full fledged quotes (command "param1" "param2") and not asn apostrophe.

How can I include quotes (") in an output string written to a textfile in VBA?

Thank you.

John Wirt



John, two quotes ("") within a string will result in one being output.

OutArray(I) = "erase " & """" & cel(I, 3) & cel(I, 2) & """" & " /Q" &


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