Write-Reserve problem...



I'm trying to overwrite a template file so that some things are change
and others are not. The template loads, values are entered, then whe
you press a userform command button, the file is saved as a .xls the
the cell contents are removed, then the file should be saved as
template, overwriting the template that is there (so some value
remain). I have it doing everything it's supposed to but it keep
saying that the template is write-reserved, but it shouldn't be, ho
can I change this so that it works? Heres a piece of the code tha
seems to be causing the snag, but I think the problem is really wit
the template, I can manually do a save as, but I want this to b



I believe Write-Reserved refers to the file being password protected s
that if it is opened without supplying the password, it is read onl
(reserved from writing). If you have a password set on the file, tr
adding this parameter when calling the SaveAs method...

WriteResPassword:= *yourpassword*



I tried this and it is still giving me the error...

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:\SyntheticShield\SyntheticShieldQuoteMaker.xlt", FileFormat:=xlTemplate, _
Password:="", WriteResPassword:="Amsoil", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _

It isn't working now at all, and frankly this is more than irritating
I can save as perfectly fine by doing it manually, but programmaticall
it won't overwrite the template file, what's the difference

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