Write an encoded zip file



Is there a way to write out a file and cause it to be an encoded zip file
from an asp.net page?

At the moment, I am writing out a csv file that a user can download from my
site. But the problem is that the file will be clear text and I am going to
be putting in some personal information that should be private. I was
thinking of just creating a zip file that is password protected but I need
to automate that.

Is there a way to do this from asp.net or is there a better way to
accomplish what I am trying to do?




Steve C. Orr said:
I've heard good things about this 3rd party component:

I was going to look at the ISharpCode component first. Not sure which is
better but I thought I would start there.
You might also consider using the new .NET 3.0 System.IO.Packaging
namespace to compress with it's DRM encryption.
Here's more info on that:

I am using asp.net 1.1 and it seems to be for 2.0 as the samples use VS
2005. I don't know if it would do what I want, however. Couldn't tell from
the docs.



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