Wotta mess - chkdsk


Menno Hershberger

Customer brings in HP (700 Mhz) with Millenium in it. Had bought XP Home
Edition CD and wanted me to upgrade it. ME was a mess... viruses,
malware, etc. First off I upgraded it from 64 Mb ram to 256 (2 - 128's)
In the process of getting rid of all the junk I crashed ME. I decided to
reinstall ME and finish getting the junk out of it before I did the
upgrade. Did that, got it cleaned up. So I did the XP upgrade and it
worked beautifully!
Delivered it, got him going and he was happy as hell. One day later
(today) he calls. Electricity had been off while they were gone and the
computer was running. Couldn't get past the HP splash screen. Finally
managed to get into BIOS but the arrow keys wouldn't work. I went out
with a new keyboard and mouse... still no joy, so I brought it home.
Suspected maybe one of the memory sticks was bad, and I was right. So it
booted and went into chkdsk... end of story. Chkdsk trashed it. Restarted
3 times, chkdsk ran every time. Last time it said it found no errors, but
now all it'll do is keep rebooting. Won't even go into Safe Mode. My next
step... do a repair install of XP. Nope. The install doesn't even see
the old install, and repair is not an option.
So now I guess I'll just mirror the old ME installation back to it and
start all over again. He has a lot of data he doesn't want to lose, so a
clean install is just about out of the question.
This is mainly just a rant... :), Doubt if anyone can help me out.


Perhaps, it's time for a cool change, to quote an old song. From what I've
seen, the push is to re-train to keep up with the job market. There are a
lot of openings in the landscaping industry.


Prashant Thankappan

Hi Menno,
Not sure if this will help, Do this:
1) Check to see if the heat sink on the processor is loose or not.
2) Hook up the memory on a known good computer and do a diag. on the memory.
3) Unhook all expansion cards (modem, network, sound cards, etc) start your
computer. Find which device is causing the problem.
4) Did not help (*@!!#$#*^) then remove the hdd and hook it up to a known
good computer (set it as slave) and backup required files and then clean the
hdd and install ME.


-----Original Message-----
Customer brings in HP (700 Mhz) with Millenium in it. Had bought XP Home
Edition CD and wanted me to upgrade it. ME was a mess... viruses,
malware, etc. First off I upgraded it from 64 Mb ram to 256 (2 - 128's)
In the process of getting rid of all the junk I crashed ME. I decided to
reinstall ME and finish getting the junk out of it before I did the
upgrade. Did that, got it cleaned up. So I did the XP upgrade and it
worked beautifully!
Delivered it, got him going and he was happy as hell. One day later
(today) he calls. Electricity had been off while they were gone and the
computer was running. Couldn't get past the HP splash screen. Finally
managed to get into BIOS but the arrow keys wouldn't work. I went out
with a new keyboard and mouse... still no joy, so I brought it home.
Suspected maybe one of the memory sticks was bad, and I was right. So it
booted and went into chkdsk... end of story. Chkdsk trashed it. Restarted
3 times, chkdsk ran every time. Last time it said it found no errors, but
now all it'll do is keep rebooting. Won't even go into Safe Mode. My next
step... do a repair install of XP. Nope. The install doesn't even see
the old install, and repair is not an option.
So now I guess I'll just mirror the old ME installation back to it and
start all over again. He has a lot of data he doesn't want to lose, so a
clean install is just about out of the question.
This is mainly just a rant... :), Doubt if anyone can help me out.
chkdsk /r from the recovery console,you may need to
bootcfg /rebuild and you may need to reload the ntldr and
ntdetect etc. from the xp cd.

if you can get the xp cd to see the install again you can
at least try a repair.

or a clean folder install if there are not a lot of
programs to reinstall.

you could try 307545 if the recovery console sees
windows,but frankly i think you have other hardware
problems so you may be best to just do a fresh install,it
would of course be best if you could do a clean install
but it sounds like you prefer using the image to save

Hilary Karp

Might consider running a drive diagnostic utility to make sure the power
issue didn't damage the drive.

Menno Hershberger

chkdsk /r from the recovery console,you may need to
bootcfg /rebuild and you may need to reload the ntldr and
ntdetect etc. from the xp cd.

if you can get the xp cd to see the install again you can
at least try a repair.

or a clean folder install if there are not a lot of
programs to reinstall.

you could try 307545 if the recovery console sees
windows,but frankly i think you have other hardware
problems so you may be best to just do a fresh install,it
would of course be best if you could do a clean install
but it sounds like you prefer using the image to save

Actually, after chkdsk ran that first time, I pretty well knew I'd been
had. It must have run 15 minutes and I saw just about every folder on
the computer going by with errors, saw FOUND.000, 001, on up to something
way high. Crosslink, truncated, all those good words flying past so fast
I couldn't keep track of it. After the third time it ran, it found
nothing, and then instead of running chkdsk anymore, it just kept
rebooting. I went into the recovery console from the CD just to look at
the damage and knew that to pursue it any further would be fruitless. The
one memory stick was the culprit. I didn't have another 128 so I put his
original 64 back in for a total of 190. Mirrored the old drive back and
started all over cleaning up ME. Now, about 12 hours later, I'm in the
middle of the XP upgrade again. I'm fairly certain that the bad memory
was the culprit.


Q. "What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"

A. "Would the second time you were scared half to death only act on the
half remaining from the first scared half to death experience? The result
being only a quater alive. If this is the case you would die exponentially
and even an infinte number of scared half to death experiences will not
result in total death.
j2buttonsw ".

A. "Provided one was fully recovered from their first experience of being
scared half to death, then I can see no reason why a subsequent half-scaring
to death would result in physical harm any greater than the first
experience. If, on the other hand, one has some pre-existing condition that
makes them particularly vulnerable to the effects of a half-scare, then such
half-scare could see one shuffle off this mortal coil.
Miss Zippy".

A. "What if a cat, having already lost 1 of its nine lives, was scared to
half to death by another cat. Would it then have only 7.5 lives, or would it
have four lives?


Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!

Menno Hershberger said:
chkdsk /r from the recovery console,you may need to
bootcfg /rebuild and you may need to reload the ntldr and
ntdetect etc. from the xp cd.

if you can get the xp cd to see the install again you can
at least try a repair.

or a clean folder install if there are not a lot of
programs to reinstall.

you could try 307545 if the recovery console sees
windows,but frankly i think you have other hardware
problems so you may be best to just do a fresh install,it
would of course be best if you could do a clean install
but it sounds like you prefer using the image to save

Actually, after chkdsk ran that first time, I pretty well knew I'd been
had. It must have run 15 minutes and I saw just about every folder on
the computer going by with errors, saw FOUND.000, 001, on up to something
way high. Crosslink, truncated, all those good words flying past so fast
I couldn't keep track of it. After the third time it ran, it found
nothing, and then instead of running chkdsk anymore, it just kept
rebooting. I went into the recovery console from the CD just to look at
the damage and knew that to pursue it any further would be fruitless. The
one memory stick was the culprit. I didn't have another 128 so I put his
original 64 back in for a total of 190. Mirrored the old drive back and
started all over cleaning up ME. Now, about 12 hours later, I'm in the
middle of the XP upgrade again. I'm fairly certain that the bad memory
was the culprit.

Menno Hershberger

I've had enough of your "exponential numbers" already! Hell, I have a
hard time even spelling it.... :)
But thanks for those little excerpts... they're cute. You must have went
Googling... :)

Menno Hershberger

chkdsk /r from the recovery console,you may need to
bootcfg /rebuild and you may need to reload the ntldr and
ntdetect etc. from the xp cd.

if you can get the xp cd to see the install again you can
at least try a repair.

or a clean folder install if there are not a lot of
programs to reinstall.

you could try 307545 if the recovery console sees
windows,but frankly i think you have other hardware
problems so you may be best to just do a fresh install,it
would of course be best if you could do a clean install
but it sounds like you prefer using the image to save
OK, I appreciate all the suggestions. What I finally did was mirror the
copy back and start all over from scratch. I put their 64 Mb stick back
in so there's still a total of 192. It only took me all night and half
the next day to get rid of all the viruses and malware again and upgrade
it again. And now it's working again, and runs quite snappily.
And they are tickled as hell again. This time it has been running TWO
days with no problems... maybe I'm out of the woods... again :)
Ooops... did I say "again" again? After going through all that twice,
the word seems to be ingrained in my head!

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