Worksheet_Change and Workbook_SheetChange not firing


David Jenkins


I have 2 workbooks, WB1 and WB2. WB1 contains a link to
WB2, e.g., A1 on sheet1 in WB1 is linked to A1 on sheet1
in WB2. I would like to run some code when the cell WB1.A1
changes as a result of WB2.A1 changing, but neither of the
events mentioned fire when A1 in WB2 changes, even tho the
value in WB1 does change. VBA Help, under "SheetChange
Event" says "Occurs when cells in any worksheet are
changed by the user or by an external link." I would have
thought this qualifies as "an external link", but maybe
not? Anyway, if anyone can tell me how to make this work,
I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance

David Jenkins

David Jenkins


Thank you, that does trap the event, but it doesn't
provide a "Target" parameter as worksheet_change does,
which as you know indicates the range that changed. I
need to know which cell changed, because the code I want
to kick off as a result should only be run if a particular
cell has changed. Any ideas?

David Jenkins

Frank Kabel

then the only way is to store the old cell values somethee (e.g. static
variables, hidden sheet, etc.9 and compare them after each calculate

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