Worksheet tabs



Running 2007 on windows xp. All of the sudden I cannot right click on the
worksheet tabs. I right-click and nothing happens. I need to do this to
copy and move worksheets around. Does anyone have any idea why this is
happening or how to fix it or how to get around it? Recently, I installed
and uninstalled some add-ins, and my guess is that the add-ins changed a
property somewhere.

Dave Peterson

Try this...

Open excel
Hit alt-f11 to get to the VBE (where macros live)
hit ctrl-g to see the immediate window

Then type this and hit enter:
application.commandbars("ply").enabled = true
Then back to excel to test it.

If it didn't work, try entering this command (and hitting enter) in the
immediate window of the VBE:


The first statement worked. Thanks Dave!

Dave Peterson said:
Try this...

Open excel
Hit alt-f11 to get to the VBE (where macros live)
hit ctrl-g to see the immediate window

Then type this and hit enter:
application.commandbars("ply").enabled = true
Then back to excel to test it.

If it didn't work, try entering this command (and hitting enter) in the
immediate window of the VBE:

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