Worksheet (tab names) in cells



Using a formula, is there a way to display worksheet (tab names) in a cell?
For example, I have 3 worksheets with names One, Two and Three. In cell A1 in
each woksheet, I would want to see the worksheet name for whichever worksheet
I am viewing. I do not want the name to change in the cell each time I click
on one of the other two spreadsheets, similar to what happens with
=CELL("FILENAME"). I also do not want to see the entire path for the

smw226 via





Zack Barresse

Hi there,

If you use the CELL() function, don't forget to set the reference (second
syntax). This is a *very* important part of the function. Just link it to
any cell in the current sheet you're wishing to return (the name of). If
working with multiple worksheets/workbooks, you'll save yourself a lot of
headaches down the road.


Paul B

wdogolf, try this,

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Using Excel 2002 & 2003

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