Worksheet Limit?


Monte Sliger

Is there a limit to the number of worksheets within a workbook? I have a
workbook with a template and another worksheet. When I try to create any
new worksheets by copying the template, after the 38th copy (40 total
worksheets) I get an error message saying that no more new fonts can be
applied in this workbook.

Any help will be appreciated.
Monte Sliger

Paul B

Monte, form excel help,
Maximum number of sheets in a workbook Limited by available memory
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Using Excel 2000 & 2003
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Monte Sliger


Thanks. That is why I was getting different results from the same operation
at home and at work. At work I only have 512MB memory, at home I have

Does this mean if I create the workbook at home with the required number of
sheets that I will not be able to open it at work?

Thanks for the reply.
Monte Sliger

claudia galindo

hi i´m fernanda and their is a limit for worksheet but is not that small the
limit it is bigger.

Monte Sliger


The limit seems to be physical memory since I have played with differing
amounts of virtual memory and it always stops at the same place (i.e. 40
total worksheets for this particular workbook on this machine. I will try
it at home tonight to see if the number of copies I can make of the template
is different.

I guess I will have to create multiple workbooks for each customer instead
of one workbook for each like I was planning.

If anyone has another suggestion, please let me know.

Monte Sliger

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