worksheet functions in excel



i Have office 97 and upgraded to premium 2000.
I was working for 2-3 Years OK.
Then I got XPproSp1.
All fine.
unfortunately about the same time I installed Sp2 for XPpro, I updated
MSOffise via the MSOffice update website.
That was about 4-5 weeks (?) ago. Now for the 1st time since then, I want to
use excel. It always says, my entry contains an error. E.g. =ROUNDUP(33.31,0)
also when I enter a cell reference instead, which contains a number which has
to be rounded-up.
Please help

Joseph Meehan

nopfusch said:
i Have office 97 and upgraded to premium 2000.
I was working for 2-3 Years OK.
Then I got XPproSp1.
All fine.
unfortunately about the same time I installed Sp2 for XPpro, I updated
MSOffise via the MSOffice update website.
That was about 4-5 weeks (?) ago. Now for the 1st time since then, I
want to use excel. It always says, my entry contains an error. E.g.
=ROUNDUP(33.31,0) also when I enter a cell reference instead, which
contains a number which has to be rounded-up.
Please help

Sorry. This is a newsgroup dedicated to questions about Access, the
database program in Office Professional. It appears your question may not
be related to these subjects. The Microsoft help system is not all that
clear and may have misdirected you here.

It is best to ask your questions in a newsgroup dedicated to the
subject of your question. You should find people better able to address
your problem there.

Note: It is always best to indicate the name and version of any
program(s) you may be using when asking a question and also indicate the
operating system (like Windows XP or 98) when you ask a question.


Joseph Meehan said:
Sorry. This is a newsgroup dedicated to questions about Access, the
database program in Office Professional. It appears your question may not
be related to these subjects. The Microsoft help system is not all that
clear and may have misdirected you here.

It is best to ask your questions in a newsgroup dedicated to the
subject of your question. You should find people better able to address
your problem there.

Note: It is always best to indicate the name and version of any
program(s) you may be using when asking a question and also indicate the
operating system (like Windows XP or 98) when you ask a question.

Joseph Meehan

Dia's Muire duit

Yes, sorry I noticed it, just when we had a power failure. I'n surpriced that the question was still posted.
Sorry for the trouble.

Joseph Meehan

Sorry for the trouble.

Don't worry a lot of people do it. The MS newsgroups are not all that
well set up, it is easy to get lost and lost means you end up here, the
first on on the list.

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