Working with Lists (Now Tables) in Excel 2007


Christie P

I have a spreadsheet that is dominated by lists. I have sheets where there
are lists beside lists beside lists. ANd I loved the "add a new row" feature
in 2003. I'm not that thrilled about having to put my cursor in the LAST
column of my "table" and hitting TAB to add a new row - but I suppose I can
live with it.

OK My real dilemma is - I have formulas EVERYWHERE that refer to the entire
contents of my list/table. And in 2003, whenever I added a new row, those
formulas updated to include that new row. Apparently in 2007, they don't.
HELP! I can't spend my life updating formulas just because I added a new
row. Any ideas?

Christie P

Thank you for your response.

I created this spreadsheet in 2003 - and just today opened it for the first
time in 2007 - so all the lists / tables were created in Excel 2003.

I do see where any formula in a previous row is auto-inserted into my new
row. That does work.

However, I have formulas outside of my list/table which refer to all the
rows in my list/table. And in 2003, those formulas would change to include
my new row. In 2007, I do not see those formulas adjusting to the presence
of my new row.

That's my main issue.

As for the little "corner arrow" - that doesn't meet my needs because I do
have data below my list/table that I do not want to include in my list/table.
If I use the "corner arrow", the table will now include that data. I want
the data below my table to stay below my table - to be moved down one row
when I insert a new row. Putting the cursor in the last column and hitting
TAB will move the data below down one, so does Right-Click and hitting
Insert--> Below.

Christie P

Yes - that is similar to my situation.
I've played with it a bit more, and I've seen where sometimes the external
formula updated, and sometimes it did not.

It might be the case where the formula does not update if I insert multiple
rows at one time without actually putting data in them.

But I have seen it update the formula too - so I'll just have to keep an eye

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