Workbooks referenced by a deleted workbook



I believe I have deleted a workbook that may have had a link/referenc
to "Sheet1" in "ThisWorkbook". Everytime I start Excel I get th
message "This workbook is referenced by another workbook and cannot b
closed" and then "Sheet1" opens without the default "Book1"

I know this matter is trival, but the message irritates me.

I have tried a macro that search for links/references and open th
corresponding workbook in every file I have created over the las
month. Yet no links are found the "ThisWorkbook" or "Sheet1".

I also tried uninstalling and reinstall as a last restort.

Has anyone else run into this problem?
Does anyone have any ideas?


Dick Kusleika


It sounds like there's a problem with a workbook in your XLSTART directory.
Try removing all the workbooks from there and restarting Excel. If you
don't get the message, then add them back one at a time, restarting Excel in
between, to see which one is the problem.

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