Word program



When I close a word document, my word program closes down as well. What
could be the problem.

Also, under the auto text I have the Show AutoComplete Suggestions box
checked. Though the month will come up when a couple of letters are typed,
but the date does not come up. That also happens with some words even though
they are typed in on the auto text list they still will not appear when a
couple of letters are typed. What could be causing this problem?


Issue #1- Take a look here:


and see if it may be a related issue. Does it happen if you use File>Close
as well? Otherwise, make sure you are clicking the correct 'X'.

Issue #2- AutoText will only offer the month name if you do not type the
'day' part of the date first, i.e. 3 oct will trigger the complete date,
whereas octo will only trigger October.

Issue #3- In order to trigger the AutoComplete feature you must type at
least the first 4 characters of the AutoText item's name. If the first 4
characters are not unique, then more must be typed.

BTW- It is generally preferable & more to your benefit to post each issue
separately with its own more specific Subject line.

Regards |:>)

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