word processor for XP



I am a new user of XP Home Edition. I'm planning on
taking college courses over the internet, however I'm not
sure if I have the software I will need. The course
instructor tells me that WordPad included in XP will
suffice but that the bottom line is: I'll need to be able
to store files readable by Microsoft Word(.doc or .rtf).
Will Word Pad store files this way? If so will it do so
automatically or will I need to learn how to store them
this way? As I said I'm a new user and fairly computer
illiterate. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

The Unknown P

There are two free word processors on the internet that
will open and store documents in all sorts of formats
including .doc . A very basic and easy to use one is
Abiword. A more fully functional one that is being
constantly updated as an open source project(anyone can
write new add ins for it) is Open Office. Open Office is
beginning to rival Office XP in it's functionality. Either
one will do a marvelous job for you and work perfectly in
XP without any conflict and are full proof to install.
Good luck.

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