Word needs smaller search box, like Chrome (obscure less screen).


Matt Postiff

When I search in Word 2007 (and all previous versions), the search box
invariably covers over something that I want to see.

One improvement would be to have a really small search box (not very tall),
then a "More" button to get to the current default with search/replace/go to
tabs, and a "Way More" button to expand to show all the search options.

Better yet, make a light-weight search feature that lives up in the" menu
bar" after the "Developer" tab, or up where the ruler is. Down at the bottom
in the status bar might be the best location. Ctrl-F could jump the cursor
there, and Enter could do the search, with an a couple arrows to search for
previous and next occurrences. No further screen real-estate would be used,
and none of the document would be obscured.

Thanks for considering this update. Maybe you could make a patch for it!

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