word locks up computer



Suddenly whenever I try to use word the computer totally locks up and has to
be rebooted. I have uninstalled and then reinstalled office 2003, gone into
the registry and deleted keys office 8, and office 10 ( kind of weird no 9
huh?), and as a last gasp cleared out normal.dot to no avail. I kind of like
word but right now I am to pissed off to even think straight. Why is
Microsoft software always so damn buggy?

Graham Mayor

If you have such a recklessness to editing the registry then it may not be
surprising that Word doesn't work. Some of the older entries may actually be
required - did you check what they contained before dismissing them to
oblivion? However this isn't the issue here. Word 2003 is quite stable - and
should not fall over. If it is crashing then it is usually through external
reasons and no amount of reinstalling will correct those.

You need to start by attending to the mess the crashes have left behind -

Then work through the measures at
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/ProbsOpeningWord.htm, but attend to the
measures of the previous link again should you have a further crash whilst

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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Yes, it may seem reckless at first glance but buddy this has been going on
for nearly 3 months and all the registry editing was done at the request of a
computer tech for the local community college. And the crazy part is all the
other programs in office operate fine not a single problem or blip. All the
techs claim that 2003 should be able to stand on its own. The editing was
done in between deleting office 2003 and the re-installing the program. He
has spent quite a bit of time trying to solve this problem. Coming to this
forum was my last gasp.

By the way the links your provided are both avenues that were explored weeks
and weeks ago. I am at my wits end. There has got to be an extremely simple
solution that everyone is missing.

So far a total of 12 techs from three separate campus' have tried to solve
this problem and an ungodly amount of time and effort all seems to add up to
a big zero.

I am now at the point of backing up my hard drive, rewriting the disk,
re-installing all software and praying to the mighty geek gods. However I
still feel that this procedure may not solve the problem; and if it does we
will never what has been causing the instant crash for so long. I am now
usinig a second computer to use word.

Graham Mayor

Hmmm. Did you try uninstalling then re-installing (or updating) the printer
driver? Word makes huge demands on the printer (and display) driver which it
interrogates to format the page. A minor corruption or mismatch here could
cause such a problem. The other office apps don't do this.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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Did you ever find a solution? I have had the same problem with word, have
tried pretty much everything you tried & still same problem. I wonder if it
all started when I installed the service pack 2 update. (????) That was back
in October, but have had problems ever since. Mine is Word 2000 from
Microsoft WorksSuite 2001 w/ XP operating sys. Sure wish I could use your
login name.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you are not starting Word using the Works Task Launcher, uninstall the
Microsoft Works Suite Add-in for Word. Even if this doesn't solve your
immediate problem, it will free you from a lot of other annoyances. If you
are still having problems, see

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Okay, I've tried all of the steps in the microsoft "Problems Opening Word
Content" file. Didn't help. It is not the Normal.dot template or Word's
Startup path. They must not be corrupt, according to the steps I've taken per
instructions. Not Adobe Acrobat Reader either.(I upgraded to 7.0) The thing
is, I can type a word, a paragraph & sometimes 1/2 a page before it locks up.
There doesn't seem to be a pattern, but once it starts locking up, it locks
up FASTER the next time. I uninstalled the Microsoft Works Suite Add-in for
Word. HELP ME!!!!!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have you eliminated the printer as a source of trouble?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


I just had hp check for driver updates/problems on my printer. They say it
checks out okay. I tried to follow the instructions on the problems page you
suggested, and think I'm okay...looks like my printer is a locally
installed...because the title bar just shows the "printername". (Is that what
it should show?) I read somewhere, that you should uninstall printer before
you update your operating system, and then reinstall driver. I did not do
this when I downloaded service packs for MS and that is in the neighborhood
of when this problem started. Could that be the problem & how do I know?
(Please answer in simple terms....I'm trying to grasp this, but some of it is
way over my head.)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I don't know much more about this than you do, but I'd suggest deleting and
reinstalling the printer using the most up-to-date driver you can get.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


Okay, I have tried everything now, except, I went in & thought I'd try a Disk
Cleanup. It came back & said {9F1C11AA-197B-4942-BA54-47A8489BB47F} is
damaged. Size 4KB, created 12/14/03,last accessed today, type:ActiveXcontrol,
and code base: http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/CAB/x89....blah blah
blah. Any computer gurus know if perhaps one of the new updates screwed this
old update up & maybe that is my problem???? HOW DO I GET SOME HELP W/ THIS???

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