Word document help


Diane Clayton

How do i insert a header on the first page only of a many-
page document?

It seems the only options are "different odd & even" and
different first page.
Different first page takes the header off the first page
and places it on all other pages.
the other option does just what it says it does.

What i have is a five page letter and I want the header on
the first page only.
If anyone can help, I'd sure appreciate it.
Diane Clayton

Charles Kenyon

"Different first page"

This is a clue.

After you've selected it, cut the contents of what is now starting on your
second page and paste it into your first page header.

Take a look at the letterhead tutorials at <URL:
See also <URL: http://home.zebra.net/~sbarnhill/Letterhead.htm>.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
<URL: http://www.addbalance.com/word/index.htm>

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
<URL: http://www.addbalance.com/usersguide/index.htm>

Word Resources Page
<URL: http://www.addbalance.com/word/wordwebresources.htm>

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL: http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
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