Word 2007 Windows Switch Delay



When I switch between 2 Word windows or between Word and other application
windows my CPU gets on 100% (cursor changes to hourglass) and I have to wait
several seconds to be able to continue to work. Size of the document doesn't
matter. You can have documents with 2 words or 20 pages. There is no
difference in response. I am running XP Service Pack 2. It doesn't matter
if I have Virusscan on or not. And yes, my system is fairly new and powerful
enough to handle even the most demanding new games. Does anyone else have
the same problem? Is there a solution? Any help would be greatly

Herb Tyson [MVP]

I experience the identical problem -- in Vista as well as in XP/SP2. I have
searched for, but have not yet found a solution. I'm hoping it's a
performance issue that will be fixed in Office 2007 SP1. (I'm currently
using 2GB of memory, but I plan to expand to 4GB soon. I'll post back if
doing that solves the problem.)

Herb Tyson [MVP]

PS... when I start Word with the /a switch, I don't get the delay. Without
the /a switch, I've experimented by renaming normal.dotm and building
blocks.dotx, as well as by renaming the Data key in the registry.
Individually, none of those get rid of the delay, although renaming
normal.dotm does seem to reduce it a little. Tomorrow, when I'm awake and
less likely to make a mistake, I'll try some additional things, as well as
try some of these at the same time.

In theory, if adding /a gets rid of the delay, then there ought to be
something concrete we can do to eliminate the delay when running Word
without the /a switch.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

I've solved the problem here, at least. It turns out that it was being
caused by the Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin in my case. When I removed
the check next to it, Word instantly sped up when switching document windows
(as well as when doing a number of other operations).

Best of all, removing it doesn't interfere with how I use Adobe Acrobat
Professional 7 in Word, since I always print to the .pdf printer driver to
create .pdf files (I could also use Word's capability, but I find that
Acrobat's versions are smaller).

If you have Acrobat (standard or pro), try unchecking it in the add-ins

Office > Word Options > Add-ins. At the bottom of the window, set Manage to
COM Add-ins, and click Go.

If it's not that particular add-in that's causing you grief, then try
selectively disabling others to see if unchecking one or more gets rid of
your delay.


Thank you Herb. That was indeed the problem. I wonder what is the exact
function of the PDFMaker Office COM add-in if I can still save my docs to a
pdf format? Still, unchecking it solved it.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Great! Nice to be able to share that little headache remedy.

The add in serves only as a handicap in Word 2007. In Word 2003 and earlier,
however, it actually had some functionality, in that it added menu commands
and a toolbar. In Word 2007, which has neither toolbars nor menus, the poor
little thing gets frustrated and lonely, and makes Word slow down until you
notice it. Nice to put it out of its (and our) misery.



Well, I'm having the exact same problem, ever since I installed the EndNote X

It is obviously that which is causing the super long delays in switching

Can anyone suggest any way of fixing this, wothout getting rid of the
add-ins (becasue I need them)?

Thanx, Ania


Hey Ania (or anyone interested in this),
Did you ever resolve this issue? I also need the Endnote add-in; can't
possibly live without it. I may not visit this discussion group again, so
please contact me back at (e-mail address removed)


Help! I tried to do this with the Acrobat COM you just described, but it
doesn't work!! Instead, I get a dialog error that says: "The connected state
of Office Add-ins registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE cannot be changed." What
do I do???


I am having the same problem. When I try to removing the Acrobat COM add-in,
I am also getting the message "The connected state
of Office Add-ins registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE cannot be changed." . How do I get around this error condition so that I can remove this add-in entry?


Figured out how to get around the error message. You have to run Winword.exe
as Administator. Go to Program Files/Microsoft office/Office12 and left
click on Winword.exe and click on run as administrator. Now you should be
able to remove the add-in without getting the message. Hope this helps.

Graham Mayor

The correct way to remove the Acrobat add-in is to re-run Acrobat setup and
unselect it?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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