Word 2007 - Insert Date and Time - Language Default


On Request

When I use the "Insert Date and Time" function in some documents, it wants
to put in a different format than what I desire. I then choose the
'Language' choice that I want and click on Default and it will 'stick' at
that point, but at other places in the document, invoking "Insert Date and
Time" results in the wrong language again. Sometimes it will differ between
two lines of the document. How do I get my "Insert Date and Time" Language
choice to 'stick' for the whole document and over all my documents?

Graham Mayor

The Date and Time dialog has a language selector, which sets the formatting
options for the date associated with the requirements of the chosen
language. The initial setting of the dialog depends on the formatting
language at the cursor when you activate the function.

If you (for example) you import texts from others' documents, particularly
with texts from the internet, you will import the language formatting of the
texts involved.

For typed texts the best plan is to ensure that the proofing language dialog
(click the language indicator on the status bar, or Set Language from the
review toolbar) has the 'detect language automatically' check box unchecked.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

On Request

Thanks Graham. I was able to adjust my document by Ctrl + A| Review| Set
Language| English (United States)| Default and unchecking 'Detect language
automatically'. The problem was a little subtle because the other
'language' was English (Australia) and not obvious in the text.

By the way, to get to see the 'Set Language' icon in the Proofing group in
the Ribbon, I had to widen the document window very wide; one of the little
annoyances of Word 2007.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The Ribbon scaling can seem to be somewhat mysterious in the way it works :)

Generally, if you're working on a Word 2007 document in less than full screen (max) setting there is a point where shrinking the
width of the Window will finally hide the ribbon altogether, but if you have the display pulled wide enough to show just the name of
the Review tab (or the first 3 letters of the tab name <g>) then selecting the Review tab (in this case) the Proofing (and other)
Ribbon groups of that Ribbon tab should show a selection arrow below the Group (Proofing in this case) icon and name.

When that down-arrow is clicked is should pop up all of the choices for that group, even wider than the document Window. When it's
in that mode, all of the icons, including 'Set Language' should show both the icon and the icon title, something that doesn't always
happen even if you are using full screen width but have a smallish monitor or 'low' screen resolution.

Thanks Graham. I was able to adjust my document by Ctrl + A| Review| Set
Language| English (United States)| Default and unchecking 'Detect language
automatically'. The problem was a little subtle because the other
'language' was English (Australia) and not obvious in the text.

By the way, to get to see the 'Set Language' icon in the Proofing group in
the Ribbon, I had to widen the document window very wide; one of the little
annoyances of Word 2007. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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