Word 2003 takes 20secs to open document.


Jason Langoulant

I recently rolled out Office 2003 to a group of staff in
my organization. Everythng went smoothly with the install
but now when trying to open documents from a network drive
or the desktop the opening of the doc takes about 20 secs.
When excel spreadsheet or and access database opens it
takes 3-5 secs.
When I open word by itself it appears immediately then
when we select a document to open it sits there, has a
think about it for 20 then opens the doc.

Does anyone know the reason for this? Or has anyone come
across a similar problem after a 2003 installation?

Your help would be appreciated.

Jason Langoulant
Library I.T.

Jason Langoulant

Thanks for your prompt response Bob. I added the
EnableShellDataCaching key to the area stated in the
knowledge base article but found no difference in response
time. The network location hasn't or doesn't go down
during the opening of the document. It does sound like
some sort Multiple query thing but our network isn't slow.
Excel and Powerpoint documents that are on network drives
open up promptly (This includes one spreadsheet we have
that is 1.5Mb)
Could you add something to
the "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\Open
Find\Microsoft Word\Settings\Open" area that may have an

Cheers for your help.
Jason Langoulant
Library I.T.

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