Word 2003 doesn't open old word files correctly, help!



Recently XP Pro was loaded on my office computer in place of Windows 2000.
All my old Word files do not open correctly. The fonts, indents, headings,
underline and other issues are wrong. I now operate Word 2003. I have a
read only cd and the new word doesn't open this correctly. help!! This is
also true with another office computer I tried to read the disk on.

Wesley Vogel

For the Word experts, try posting at ...

Maybe the files are messed up.

Try saving the files to your hard disk first, then open them.

You can open documents created in previous versions of Microsoft Word
directly in Office Word 2003. All data and formatting created in these
versions of Word are fully supported in Office Word 2003.

Results of saving Word 2003 documents in RTF, Word 97, and Web page formats

Saving a document in a file format that cannot support specific features

Turn on or off features introduced in recent versions of Word

Strategies for sharing documents with different versions of Word

Word | Tools | Options | Save tab |
Disable features introduced after:
[[Turns off features introduced in recent versions of Word. When you save
the document, if your document contains items that will be converted, Word
displays a list of the features it will convert so that the document can be
used in previous versions.]]

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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