word 2001 & macosx - word keeps crashing!



can anyone help? i'm using a mac osx with word 2001. i've
been writing a chapter in my thesis and saving various
versions as 3.1 ...3.13 etc. i am also using endnote 7 for
the references, but have turned off cite while your write.
recently, i've been able to open the latest chapter and i
start to alter some text when word just fails - no respone
and i have to force quit. any ideas?? thanks... roberta

Dayo Mitchell

Hi Roberta,

Not quite sure what you mean by "turned off cite while you write." You
should definitely NOT have instant formatting enabled. However, to prevent
crashes you may need to remove the EndNote add-in from the startup menu
entirely, EN is known to cause glitches.

I didn't think EN 7 (which runs in OS X) was compatible with Word 2001
(which runs under Classic)? How are you making that happen? That may be
causing your problems.
Or have you misstated the versions?

You are doing the versions yourself through Save As, right? (Do not use
Word's versions feature).

For directions on removing the add-in and other troubleshooting, see here:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)
Also also check this link for some OS X maintenance tips:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

Note that crashing problems would be better directed to Mac-specific
See here for gateway to Mac-specific ngs:


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