Word 2000



Whenever I open Word 2000, the mouse changes to an hourglass for a second,
every few seconds even when its a blank document, like its refreshing ALL the
time. I have uninstalled Office 2000 and reinstalled and downloaded the
upgrades, but it is still happening. Does anyone know how to fix this
annoying problem?


It sounds like an autosave feature. Is autosave turned on, and if it is how
often is it set to save?

Graham Mayor

There is no 'autosave' feature included with Word. Saving of autorecover
information cannot be set to merely a few seconds and in any case indicates
what it is doing on the status bar of Word. My guess (and guess it is) would
be action from a virus checker. Turn off Norton AV's Office plug-in if
relevant. I would also check for spyware on the system.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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