Word 2000: Search for, and select, all occurances



In Word 2000, is there a way to search for, and simultaneously select,
all occurances of a style or a string of text? The "All" search
option doesn't seem to do it.


On the Find tab there is a check box for "Highlight all items found in" and
choose Main Document. This will "select" all the occurrences of the Find
criteria, once pressed the Find All button Word will tell you the number of
Close the window and these occurrences will be "highlighted" for an action,
such as a change in style.
The Replace function can also be used to Replace all occrrences of a Find
Criteria and and the Replace All will do the necessary change

Can you provide further detail of what you are trying to do and how you are
trying to do it, please. We may them be able to help you with more pertinent


I can't find "Highlight all items found in" nor the widget for
choosing "Main Document". I seem to recall seeing these for Word
2003. Are you sure these are available in Word 2000?

As well, Replace-All didn't replace one format with another when I
tried it earlier. It simply replaced all paragraphs having the
matching style with null text. It works now, however (I've re-opened
the document since). I'm not what caused the different behaviour

I'm asking just in my investigation of the Find capability. A more
purpose-specific posting is made under another thread.

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