word 03 table calculations



can someone please assist.
As soon as a table goes onto more than one page, calculations in the last
cell does not work i.e. =sum(d1:d8) d1,d2,d3 on one page, the rest on next
two pages.
if I enter the above formula in d9 on page 3 the result is completely
there are no empty cells and all cells are in one table.

Peter Jamieson

A simple exxample works OK here. What if you do something simpler, e.g.

{ =d1 }


{ =d8 }


Graham Mayor

It works for me? How many rows are there on each page? Is this a table
created by mail merge which will probably have a section break at the end of
each page?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


the table range is a1:d8. column a contains dates. column B is a description
amount (invoice, therefore the rows go onto page 3.), c and d are amounts.
Column d is the final amounts 9which are $ 0.00 amounts).
I entered at the end of the table on page three to obtain another row and to
add d1:d8,
as far as Ican see all the data is in one table that go onto other tables


could it be a formatting issue?
the amounts are reflected as follows:
$000.00 and $0 000.00
If I enter a space in between the dollar sign and the amounts and place a
comma between zeros to act as a thousands seperator, the sum formula works

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