Won't recalculate



Hello All,

Can anyone think of a reason why a cell containing the
formula =IF(Master!CA74=0,"",Master!CA74), won't
recalculate when I enter a number into Master!CA74 unless
I physically go to the cell with the formula and F2, Enter?

Calculation is set to Manaual.
The status bar reads Ready (not Calculate).
F9 has no effect.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Sorry. What I meant to say is that Calculation is set to
Automatic. It's late, and I'm brain dead.

I also meant to note that I'm using Office 2003.

I tried exiting Excel and reopening the file, but that
didn't work. What did work is pasting a Vlookup formula
in another cell. Once I did that all the other formula
results appeared. Go figure. I changed them all to
Vlookup just in case, but I'd still like to know what the
problem was if anyone has any ideas.

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