WMM version2 Crashes when adding title



I think the WMM is a great program.....other than the fact I can not add
titles or video effects......when trying to add a title the moment I tyoe in
maybe the first two letters it will crash and go off completely.......any
help would be most appreciated.


John Inzer

Barbara said:
I think the WMM is a great program.....other than the
fact I can not add titles or video effects......when
trying to add a title the moment I tyoe in maybe the
first two letters it will crash and go off
completely.......any help would be most appreciated.

Maybe the following article will offer some ideas:

Movie Maker 2 Crashes and Hangs


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John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

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Yes, I have the same issue!!! :(
MS didn't help; pointing to a possible corrupt dll (GdiPlus.dll). MS
suggested chkdsk and that did not do anything to fixing it.
The post below didn't help either.

Anybody else, please help?


John Inzer

rgand3 said:
Yes, I have the same issue!!! :(
MS didn't help; pointing to a possible corrupt dll
(GdiPlus.dll). MS suggested chkdsk and that did not do
anything to fixing it.
The post below didn't help either.

Anybody else, please help?

Did you try reducing your Graphics
Hardware Acceleration as suggested
in the "Movie Maker 2 Crashes and
Hangs" article?

The following KB article explains how
to do it:

(263391) How to Change the Graphics
Hardware Acceleration Setting in Windows


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John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs


Hi John,
Thanks - appreciate the help.
I did try that as well, and that also did not work.
I am really at wits end with this. Too bad, Movie Maker seems to have
everything I want.
- Ray

John Inzer

rgand3 said:
Hi John,
Thanks - appreciate the help.
I did try that as well, and that also did not work.
I am really at wits end with this. Too bad, Movie Maker
seems to have everything I want.
- Ray
If you could describe exactly what your
project consists of and exactly how
the program is responding...(including
any errors) someone may be able to
offer some ideas.

BTW...some users have problems with
..mpg, .jpg, and .mp3 files. .wmv, .bmp,
and .wma may be more successful.


This is not tech support.
I am only a volunteer.....

Solutions that work for
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John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs


I open WMM 2.1. Within "Tasks" click on "Add title at the beginning of the
movie". I start to type in the title, and after ~4 normal keystokes, WMM
freezes. After a couple of seconds then the dialogue box comes up to send MS
the error report. The Error Signature is "EventType : InPageError P1 :
c000009c P2 : 00000003". I send the error to MS (continually crossing my
fingers), and MS replies via the web to look at solution "884070 - Storage
medium errors cause unexpected program crash in Windows XP". I then
performed the instructions on that note, but to no avail. The application
log shows event ID 1005: "Windows cannot access the file
"Error value: C000009C Disk type: 3". Event ID 1000 shows: "Faulting
application moviemk.exe, version 2.1.4026.0, faulting module GdiPlus.dll,
version 5.1.3102.2180, fault address 0x000dd150". Event ID 1001 shows:
"Fault bucket 00470146".
Then I have to acknowledge the sending of the report. WMM does not shut
down at this point. The hard drive spins as it is search for a file. I have
to go to task manager and close WMM as it says it is not repsonding.
Hope this helps.
Thanks John.
- Ray

John Inzer

rgand3 said:
I open WMM 2.1. Within "Tasks" click on "Add title at
the beginning of the movie". I start to type in the
title, and after ~4 normal keystokes, WMM freezes. After
a couple of seconds then the dialogue box comes up to
send MS the error report. The Error Signature is
"EventType : InPageError P1 : c000009c P2 :
00000003". I send the error to MS (continually crossing
my fingers), and MS replies via the web to look at
solution "884070 - Storage medium errors cause unexpected
program crash in Windows XP". I then performed the
instructions on that note, but to no avail. The
application log shows event ID 1005: "Windows cannot
access the file
"Error value: C000009C Disk type: 3". Event ID 1000
shows: "Faulting application moviemk.exe, version
2.1.4026.0, faulting module GdiPlus.dll, version
5.1.3102.2180, fault address 0x000dd150". Event ID 1001
shows: "Fault bucket 00470146".
Then I have to acknowledge the sending of the report.
WMM does not shut down at this point. The hard drive
spins as it is search for a file. I have to go to task
manager and close WMM as it says it is not repsonding.
Hope this helps.
Thanks John.
- Ray
Thanks for the info...but I don't have the answer...
maybe someone else can offer some ideas.

I would suspect that reinstalling SP2 or updating
your video driver may help but am not certain.


This is not tech support.
I am only a volunteer.....

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
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