WM and delayed sending



Does anyone know if WM has a delayed sending option? i.e. can I write and
email at 8am and set it to send at 12pm?
Thank you,


Hi Bob,
I figured you had quite enough of me! I posted in my last thread that
finally this morning the error message was GONE. Thank you so much for all
of your assistance. I am thinking about WLM but am hesitant to pull the
trigger. I am unsure if my computer skills can handle the change. And I see
that your opinion is no on the delayed sending?


Good, glad to hear it's all working now. Gary had a suggestion about
scheduling Windows Mail to run. You might take a look at it to see if that
technique would work for you. I think you will find WLM a breeze. It
downloads and installs very easily. But I understand you want take a
breather. We're all here to help, so just holler when you need some. BTW,
there is a MS. public.windows.live.mail.desktop group so if you have
questions when you update, you can go there.


It worked. I am unsure if it will for multiples but it is doing what I need
for it to do for now!
Thank you again,

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