WinXP now just reboots over and over and over... after SP2



Im fixing a laptop for a friend, nice Compaq Presario 2100

She got it from someone who used a private network, so I changed the network
settings so it can use my DSL, now it works, I added the firewall also

Then I start with windows update. It found ??? zillions of needed updates

Then I went for the Microsoft spyware beta which is awesome. It said please
verify your XP install which I did, it has the product key thing on a label
on the bottom of the laptop

spyware beta found zillions of spyware things and removed them

then it tried to download SP2 but the network which runs downloads usually
at 160K/sec on the popup thing? would only do 3.5K/sec on this xp laptop,
so the download took about 7 hours, and I woke up to click YES to install,
then it was doing that.

Woke up this morning and it said its installed, click restart to restart
now, which I did. Then I noticed the browser had some gambling thing? I
look down and there were 40 browsers open on one thing and 6 browsers open
on another and spyware had a red popup saying spyware, threat - severe,
remove? well it wasnt rebooting but I had clicked reboot

So I clicked remove and that started, but then it started to shut down

no big deal, Ill just run spyware again. but it boots, shuts off, boots,
shuts off after about 10 times I get involved, safe mode? shuts off. last
known good? shuts off. command prompt? shuts off. debug? shuts off.

One of these did give me a blue screen saying winsrv was not found

I happen to have a Windows XP pro preview CD from about 4/5 years ago which
Im booting up to, to get the recovery console. Its asking for the Admin

Im waiting to get ahold of the gal who owns the laptop, she is not computer
literate, but is there any other way to fix this???



It is stop error c0000135 unable to locate component

I had just done all the windows updates yesterday, then downloaded sp2

none of the bootup options work, selecting dont halt on error? still halts

Im happy to try anything, I can download a file, put it on floppy or cd, Ill
do a citrix connection thing and let a remote admin play around, just need a


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