WinXP install Help Needed



HELP! Ok I have Hard Drive C is win XP its also bout 200 gb hd here what i
need help with Since i want c drive only to be winxp pro and nothing else but
room for updates...
I want to Install a second hard drive say about 20-80gb while this new drive
is active as drive d i want to do a fresh install of Winxp on it then I want
to swap drives and on the old c now D i want to Delete Winxp files so rest of
my data and files stay but not sure when I swap drives if it will boot up as
win xp

Second Question then: How Do i install WinXP to a drive other than C while
its in computer and then can I just shut down swap out reboot and be fine?


Thats easy to do,install new drive on same IDE cable,set as slave,format
the drive with a primary partition,once formated,go to run,type:
XCOPY C:\*.* D:\ /c/h/e/k/r D: being the new hd,although if asigned a
letter replace it in text cmd.Once it starts,agree to all in the DOS
its thru,its completed,shutdown computer,set drives as youd like them,reset
jumper pins.Once D: is master,you should format the old C: drive.

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