WinXP big performance boost



Holz said:
Considering your answer,and no offense, I will once again advice
you to enable the Automated updates.

How hard is it to remember to check Windows Update once a month????


How hard is it to remember to check Windows Update once a month????

I don't have to remember, I have a device called a "calendar" which I
can write my reminders on. Actually, a Treo.


davegb said:
I don't have to remember, I have a device called a "calendar" which I
can write my reminders on. Actually, a Treo.

Mine is electronic: itstime.exe


Holz said:
Naysayer? you posted here so you obviously wanted to hear what people
have to say..
My Credentials? I run, computer service
company, 47 clients with over 400 computers and people behind them. I
am certified, and most of all, have 22 years hand on in Unix and
But that is not the point!
The point is that you should NEVER disable
items that protect you, unless you understand what you do. Anyone
recommending disabling system restore and auto-updates is out of their
mind, but that is my opinion.

Enjoy your "fast and improved" pc.

Why have Auto Updates on before you're ready to do updates? I always
wait three days after Update Tuesday, the second Tuesday of the month,
to make sure there are no problems and then do them on the weekend
starting with my test machine and then the production machines. I agree
with you regarding system restore, although if you're cleaning out
viruses, one should disable it to clear out any crap that might be
hiding in there but it should be enabled once the clean up is done.



davegb said:
I don't have to remember, I have a device called a "calendar" which I
can write my reminders on. Actually, a Treo.

Then you have no need to run your computer with Auto Updates enabled all
the time. Besides, one should always do updates manually (I use, notify
but let me decide what and when to download and install) and not be
doing *anything* else with the computer.



Then you have no need to run your computer with Auto Updates enabled all
the time. Besides, one should always do updates manually (I use, notify
but let me decide what and when to download and install) and not be
doing *anything* else with the computer.


I find "auto-updates" a major pita in software. When I open up an
application, or Windoze for that matter, it's because I have something
to do. The last thing I want it to wait 5 min while the software
updates itself. And some of them, like Adobe, want to update every
other time you use them. I prefer to update when I'm done using the
computer, before I go to bed or leave to do something else. The only
auto-update I've left on is my virus software. They'll have really
made a breakthrough when software companies start letting the user
set the time for the update, like 3 am, just like I do with my

Further, with Windoze auto-update, who knows what other information
they're getting? I don't trust Gate$ or M$ as far as I can throw them.
They'd happily monitor my browsing habits and email and sell them to
the gov if it'd get them some favors when the next anti-trust suit
hits (notice, I said when, not if). With the present administration,
this is a marriage made in heaven! I trust them as much as I trust ABC
to report the news or Comcast to protect my privacy.


Then you have no need to run your computer with Auto Updates enabled all
the time. Besides, one should always do updates manually (I use, notify
but let me decide what and when to download and install) and not be
doing *anything* else with the computer.




davegb said:

And this method has served me well because I have never, ever, had
problems with updates. The only problem I had was when Microsoft decided
to LIE and say WGA tool was a "critical" update. I've wiped that hard
drive clean a long time ago and now none of my three XP machines have
WGA on it in any of its flavors.



Then you have no need to run your computer with Auto Updates enabled all
the time. Besides, one should always do updates manually (I use, notify
but let me decide what and when to download and install) and not be
doing *anything* else with the computer.


I find "auto-updates" a major pita in software. When I open up an
application, or Windoze for that matter, it's because I have something
to do. The last thing I want it to wait 5 min while the software
updates itself. And some of them, like Adobe, want to update every
other time you use them. I prefer to update when I'm done using the
computer, before I go to bed or leave to do something else. The only
auto-update I've left on is my virus software. They'll have really
made a breakthrough when software companies start letting the user
set the time for the update, like 3 am, just like I do with my

Further, with Windoze auto-update, who knows what other information
they're getting? I don't trust Gate$ or M$ as far as I can throw them.
They'd happily monitor my browsing habits and email and sell them to
the gov if it'd get them some favors when the next anti-trust suit
hits (notice, I said when, not if). With the present administration,
this is a marriage made in heaven! I trust them as much as I trust ABC
to report the news or Comcast to protect my privacy.

All updates can be turned off from within the applications. I have them
all turned off and update at my leisure. Adobe is help - check for updates -
-preferences. Java can be turned off from the java applet in the control
panel, and so on.


Frank said:
Further, with Windoze auto-update, who knows what other information
they're getting? I don't trust Gate$ or M$ as far as I can throw them.
They'd happily monitor my browsing habits and email and sell them to
the gov if it'd get them some favors when the next anti-trust suit
hits (notice, I said when, not if). With the present administration,
this is a marriage made in heaven! I trust them as much as I trust ABC
to report the news or Comcast to protect my privacy.

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