Wininet.dll and WM2005



Hello group,

I'm having troubles using an ftp class on WM2005, wich is invoking functions
from wininet.dll.

InternetOpenW returns a handle different from 0.
InternetConnectW returns 0 for the handle and 6 for GetLastError(The handle
is invalid)

This are the calls:
lInternetHandle = InternetOpenW("FTPOpen",
Convert.ToUInt32(INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG), "", "", Convert.ToUInt32(0))

lFtpHandle = InternetConnectW( _
Convert.ToUInt32(lInternetHandle), Host,
Convert.ToUInt16(INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT), Username, _
Password, Convert.ToUInt32(INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP),
Convert.ToUInt32(INTERNET_FLAG_ACTIVE), Convert.ToUInt32(0))

This class is working several years (ppc 2002,2003, wince 4.2...)
Is there any reason why it does not work on WM2005?
On the Wm2005, I noticed "wininet.dll" has been renamed to
Is that "normal" or something manufacturer-specific?

I hope to find a solution to make my class working again.

Best regards,
Mobile Boy

Peter Foot

You should not pass empty strings to the proxy and proxyBypass arguments as
these will be interpreted as names rather than specifying no proxy. Instead
pass null (Nothing in VB).



Thanks peter...
I changed the empty strings by nothing...but it still doesn't work.
Am I the only one having trouwbles calling InternetOpenW and
InternetConnectW on WM2005?
The code still works on pocket pc 2003


It's working again (on other WM2005 devices). It seemed to be a device
specific problem

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