WinForm Resize



Hi, I have a really heavy view, it load a lot of objects, and I it most be

When I resize de window by dragging it's border it is very slow to rearrange
the objects in order to be all in the right place.

I would like to know if it's possible to make a solution like we drag the
border, but in spite of the window move along the mouse, it would appear a
kind-of-rubberband and when I release that rubberband the window do the
resize to that position...

I'm sorry for my bad english I hope that you have understood what I wanted...

some code snippets would be usefull

Thanks a Lot


Hi Diogo,
I do not know how to do the rubber band effect you want, but try to use
dowuble buffering on your form and see if it offers any improvement of the
visual redraw when you resize the form.

You can use double buffering by adding the following to your form
constructor, after the call to InitializeComponents:

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint |
ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

Hope that helps
Mark R. Dawson


Sorry it didnt work I had already did that.... Guess I'm really stuck with
this issue
Anyone else has any Ideia?

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