WindowsXP/Win98 Networking



I have a Laptop with Windows XP connected wirelessly to a
Broadband/Modem/Router and a Win98 PC wired to the router. Both Laptop and
PC can access the internet. I ran the Network Wizard on the Laptop and the
PC as instructed. The Laptop shows itself and the PC in the Network Group
but cannot connect to it ("you may not have permissions"). The PC only
shows itself in Network Neighborhood/Entire Network; it does not show the
I have noticed in System Configuration Utility/Autoexec.bat an entry in the
first line which says "rem - By Windows 98 Networks - c:\windows\net start."
with no box or tick alongside. Might this be relevant please to the lack of
I am not computer savvy.


I have a Laptop with Windows XP connected wirelessly to a
Broadband/Modem/Router and a Win98 PC wired to the router. Both Laptop and
PC can access the internet. I ran the Network Wizard on the Laptop and the
PC as instructed. The Laptop shows itself and the PC in the Network Group
but cannot connect to it ("you may not have permissions"). The PC only
shows itself in Network Neighborhood/Entire Network; it does not show the
I have noticed in System Configuration Utility/Autoexec.bat an entry in the
first line which says "rem - By Windows 98 Networks - c:\windows\net start."
with no box or tick alongside. Might this be relevant please to the lack of
I am not computer savvy.


Assuming that you have the correct protocols setup on both computers, lack of
networking shouldn't be it.

If you can see both computers in Network Neighborhood on even one computer, your
OK on protocols and networking in general. Since you're talking about Windows
98 and Windows XP together, this is very likely a browser conflict.


Chuck said:

Assuming that you have the correct protocols setup on both computers, lack of
networking shouldn't be it.

If you can see both computers in Network Neighborhood on even one computer, your
OK on protocols and networking in general. Since you're talking about Windows
98 and Windows XP together, this is very likely a browser conflict.

Thank you Chuck,

I will check it out.

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