Windows XPsp2 doesn't run EXE files



Earlier today my laptop system stopped responding. After re-booting it would
no longer finish loading windows.

I repaired windows using my install CD and activated windows. during the
installation it repeatedly asked me to locate the program to run various exe
files. I found little choice but to cancel these requests as they came.

The computer will now boot and allow me to login, but it does not know how
to run any exe or lnk files.

Is there a file I can copy from the install to deal with this? Repairing
once hasn't helped and I'm suspect that a second time would be of similar

I'm doubtful I can even recover my data, but have access to it for the time
being. Formatting is not really an option except in the most dire conditions
as this is my work computer primarily.

Any help at all would be appreciated.


First off try and copy your data to some other media (eg Floppy disks,
USB key, external HDD, CD-RW, CD-R etc) or via a USB data cable or
cross-over ethernet cable.

Do you have a "stand-alone" (OEM od Retail) version of XP or is it a
"recovery CD" from your laptops manufacturer that resets the machine
back to the factory defaults?

If it is a "stand alone version" then look at:-
How to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of Windows;en-us;315341

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

If you have a factory restore CD then you are probably stuck with their
options only unless you can get your hands an another XP CD of the same
type (Home or Pro) as you have on your machine and try the above
"repair " installations


Well luckily I do have a retail version of XP, but while the repair managed
to get me to boot, It left me in the state unable to open exe's.

trying another repair just for the sake of trying now :(

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