Windows XP Starter Edition: attention, Mr. Bill Gates


T. Waters

An analogy that compares a tire to an OS?

Richard said:
I have read "most" the article and to a point, I agree.

But then again, tires have been round and made of a rubbery substance
for over 100 years. I guess there has been no innovation in tires
either! Every manufacturer borrows from someone else.


Richard said:
I have read "most" the article and to a point, I agree.

But then again, tires have been round and made of a rubbery substance for
over 100 years. I guess there has been no innovation in tires either!
Every manufacturer borrows from someone else.
Richard, you've hit the nail on the head and it is for precisely this reason
that copyrights and patents within the software industry are absurd. ALL
software coding is simply an evolutionary process where what came before is
the basis for what comes next. To jump into this evolutionary process and
declare THIS IS MINE and I OWN IT, is just bullshit. Thankfully the
open-source movement is providing an alternative.


Windows is *NOT* a virus. Viruses are small and efficient.
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Richard Urban

The analogy is industry borrowing from industry. I would guess that 90% of
all computer programs available today, no matter who markets them, have been
built upon what others have done before.

That includes the latest and greatest from Apple! And Linux is derived from
what? Did I hear you say Unix?

So what's the difference ? NONE!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Richard Urban

Go here! What does the very first sentence say? How
about if I quote it here!

Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus
Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world.

So, you see, even the great Linus Torvalds "borrowed" his idea from someone

Now don't cry! It happens everyday. There is "nothing new under the sun"!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Richard said:
Go here! What does the very first sentence
say? How about if I quote it here!

Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus
Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world.

So, you see, even the great Linus Torvalds "borrowed" his idea from
someone else.

Now don't cry! It happens everyday. There is "nothing new under the

Exactly where is "under the sun?"

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Richard Urban

I think you have found it. It's along the "Trail".


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Al Smith

Microsoft missed an enormous business opportunity with Windows
Maybe you should take marketing 101. It is universal practice, in most
businesses, to release the high-end model first. If people are willing to
pay $300 for a product, give them the chance. After the pool of everybody
who is willing to pay $300 is exhausted, lower the price to $200 and give
the next group a chance.

I think there's a real demand for a Windows XP Lite version
deliberately designed to use as few resources as possible.
Something similar to the idea of XP Home, but carried further
along, and sold for around fifty dollars. It wouldn't compete with
XP Pro, it would open a new market. I was excited when I heard
about the Windows Starter Edition, until I learned how crippled it
is. It could have been the Lite version I've been waiting for.

Hell, I'm running something like it right now. I've got ninety
percent of the services in XP Pro turned off. Am I missing them?
No, not once. I'm using the Classic theme, and as far as I'm
concerned the XP themes might as well not exist, since I have no
intention of ever using them. I've got the sounds turned off. Do I
miss them? Never. I don't use Internet Explorer or Outlook
Express. Instead I use Mozilla. As far as I'm concerned, Internet
Explorer might as well not be there, other than as a shell running
under the surface that handles necessary tasks. Same with Outlook
Express -- I don't use it and don't need it. Do I need Media
Player. No, I hardly ever use it. If it weren't there, I'd never
miss it.

Richard Urban

That's just you Al.

I can see it now! Buford Pussy goes to the local computer store and comes
home with a $199.00 computer. He's as happy as a pig rollin in shit. He
plugs it in and fetches a music CD to play. That's when he finds there is no
CD player. Doesn't matter though because there is no built in support to
play the CD even if there was a player. Then he figures he will hook up an
external player. Oops! His $199 special only has one USB port and that is
used by the mouse.

So he decides to type a letter. Goes to hook up the printer. Oops! Got to
disconnect the mouse to connect the printer. Now Buford is in a bind because
he can't navigate to commence printing!

And it goes downhill from there!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


MickeyMouse has a history of crippling software. Just look how they crippled
XP Home, when it could easily have contained all that XP Pro has. In fact,
there was NO REASON, other than marketing, to even have a HOME version.
They could have just provided XP (Pro), lowered the price and sold just
that one product.

Read the history here of MickeyMouse and you'll see that this is its idea of

So has spoken the grumpy linux bastard.

You never have answered my question: why do you post here?

Al Smith

I can see it now! Buford Pussy goes to the local computer store and comes
home with a $199.00 computer. He's as happy as a pig rollin in shit. He
plugs it in and fetches a music CD to play. That's when he finds there is no
CD player. Doesn't matter though because there is no built in support to
play the CD even if there was a player. Then he figures he will hook up an
external player. Oops! His $199 special only has one USB port and that is
used by the mouse.

So he decides to type a letter. Goes to hook up the printer. Oops! Got to
disconnect the mouse to connect the printer. Now Buford is in a bind because
he can't navigate to commence printing!

And it goes downhill from there!

Dang, that Buford's stupid. He doesn't deserve a computer.

Michael Stevens

kurttrail said:
Tried it, v3.8.1, and it fails in about 5 seconds normally, and about
7 seconds with a failsafe boot that turnoff almost all hardware
detection. It is not a bad CD as it does work in another computer.

Now add that many average would have a hard time setting up and using
Linux on all the varying hardware, and add to that that every major
distro variation has different command line commands for things
getting updates, and the average user doesn't even know how to use
the command line in Windows, Linux is not ready for my mom, my
personal messure of the average computer user.

Your mom's measure is very viable, but the competition is really making huge
leaps in closing the gap. I have been stunned with a few of the competitions
bistro's ease of use and I only see this as a healthy development for the
Competition always improves the product and it filters down to the consumer.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


Michael said:

Your mom's measure is very viable, but the competition is really
making huge leaps in closing the gap. I have been stunned with a few
of the competitions bistro's ease of use and I only see this as a
healthy development for the consumer.
Competition always improves the product and it filters down to the

Are you falling into the same trap as the LinTroll?

I have no problem with Linux, I expect soon it will be much easier for
the average computer user. It is much easier today than a couple of
years ago, but it isn't quite ready yet.

The LinTroll is only here to be disruptive, not help. His misplaced
LinAdvocacy is off-topic, and could be very bad for those noobs here
that could be taken in by it. Most of them are here cause they are too
morin to even run Windows, and if they can't do that, then they'll
probably have many more problems with Linux.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Bob I

Unfortunately, people spent more time on planning the purchase of a
microwave oven that they will only use the "minute plus button" on, than
the PC they buy.

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