WIndows XP Service Pack @ Nightmare



After months of avoiding it, I finally downloaded the Service Pack #2 for my
home edition of Windows XP. Well...after restart it went to blue screen with
a c error. APparently it corrupted several Windows files and I am unable to
reboot. After calling my computer manufacturer I have been advise that i now
must reformat my enitre drive and reinstall windows.

This is an outrage. I have already filed a formal complaint with Microsoft
about this issue. Has anyone else had thi sproblem?

Thanks. Broomy


Many tech support people suggest a clean install / recover to original
installation, when they either don't know what to do or cannot be bothered
to research the problem. i.e. its the simplest solution that involves them
in the least amount of thought.
There are millions that have installed sp2 without the slightest problem

John Barnett MVP

Some people have had problems with SP2 but i think they are in the minority.
I've updated Windows XP Home and Professional with SP2 and haven't had any
problems at all. My copy of SP2, incidentally, was installed the day it was
While i am not saying that SP2 is not to blame for the problems you are
having, you do have to take into consideration the hardware on your pc, in
particular drivers as another suspect. Drivers aren't updated automatically
and, if a hardware driver is not compatible with SP2 then problems will

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

The information in this mail is supplied "as is". No warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, is made in relation to the
accuracy, reliability or content of this mail. The Author shall not be
liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages
arising out of the use of, or inability to use, information or
opinions expressed in this mail..


Well we managed to reinstall XP again, so now I have TWO copies of xp on my
pc. I'm currently stuck at the windows login screen as the newly installed
version does not recognize my password. Any advice?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

My guess is you have an older video driver that should have been updated
before installing SP-2.
But with lack of details, that is about as far as I can guess.

There are some exceptions, but most problems related to Service Pack
Installation are caused by pre-existing problems.
All problems should be resolved before installing any update especially a
Service Pack:


Microsoft sent me constant reminders of the service pac2 update. A checklist
of things to correct before installation should have also been provided. It
was NOT. Thanks for your help but as far as I'm concerned this is an
inexcusable case of negligance on the part of Miscrosoft.


After months of avoiding it, I finally downloaded the Service Pack #2 for
home edition of Windows XP. Well...after restart it went to blue screen
a c error. APparently it corrupted several Windows files and I am unable
reboot. After calling my computer manufacturer I have been advise that i
now must reformat my enitre drive and reinstall windows.

This is an outrage.

Yes it is. So when are folks going to smarten up and stop using a toy
operating system?

When Microsoft stops treating its customers as thieves, I might consider
running Windoze again. Of course, I wouldn't allow it to access the
Internet. Windoze has no place on the Internet.

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...


Thanks for the link. I have been thinking about trying another OS for years
now, and this may just be the time to do it. No one company should have such
a monopoly. This is the kind of gross incompetence that happens when firms
know people do not have other readily available choices.

Tom [Pepper] Willett

| Microsoft sent me constant reminders of the service pac2 update. A
| of things to correct before installation should have also been provided.
| was NOT. Thanks for your help but as far as I'm concerned this is an
| inexcusable case of negligance on the part of Miscrosoft.
| "Jupiter Jones [MVP]" wrote:
| > Broomy;
| > My guess is you have an older video driver that should have been updated
| > before installing SP-2.
| > But with lack of details, that is about as far as I can guess.
| >
| > There are some exceptions, but most problems related to Service Pack
| > Installation are caused by pre-existing problems.
| > All problems should be resolved before installing any update especially
| > Service Pack:
| >
| >
| > --
| > Jupiter Jones [MVP]
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > After months of avoiding it, I finally downloaded the Service Pack #2
| > > my
| > > home edition of Windows XP. Well...after restart it went to blue
| > > with
| > > a c error. APparently it corrupted several Windows files and I am
| > > to
| > > reboot. After calling my computer manufacturer I have been advise
that i
| > > now
| > > must reformat my enitre drive and reinstall windows.
| > >
| > > This is an outrage. I have already filed a formal complaint with
| > > Microsoft
| > > about this issue. Has anyone else had thi sproblem?
| > >
| > > Thanks. Broomy
| >
| >
| >

John Barnett MVP

Which password are we talking about? If you have re-installed XP it doesn't
ask for a password, unless you have created one in your user profile. In
which case are you using the correct password? passwords are case
I take it that you have installed the newer version onto a seperate
partition and 'not' installed it onto the same partition as the old one?

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

The information in this mail is supplied "as is". No warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, is made in relation to the
accuracy, reliability or content of this mail. The Author shall not be
liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages
arising out of the use of, or inability to use, information or
opinions expressed in this mail..

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

There is much information on and away from suggesting how to
prepare for SP-2.
Furthermore it is your computer so it is up to you to maintain the computer.
If there were pre-existing problems such a malware incompatible drivers etc,
that falls on you since it is your computer and you are the one with a
vested interest in the computer.
If that is not the case and an unforeseeable issue occurred, that is no ones
fault since sometimes things just happen.
But again, with no details, it is nearly impossible for anyone to get
precise about exactly what happened on your computer.
Hopefully your formal complaint to Microsoft gave all the details you missed
here such as error logs, exact error message etc.
Otherwise your complaint is all but meaningless lacking the pertinent

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

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