windows xp service pack i


patti w.

i have windows xp on my lap top. I downloaded the windows
xp service pack 1. Now my computer boots on and the
immediately shuts down then boots on again and shuts
down. This continues until I shut it off. I have tried
to reboot in safe mode, safe mode with commands, last
configuration that worked, etc. What can I do other than
reconfigure my hard drive.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

If you mean it boots and then shuts down after it gets to the desktop after
logging on, you need to make sure your antivirus is up to date and run a
virus scan. Also make sure your system is clear of any malware, download,
install and run Ad Aware:

If this is not the issue, when you post back, please give a more precise
description of the issue, any error messages that might occurs and exactly
where in the boot process it shuts down.

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