Windows XP professional



I bought a copy from Circuit City in August of this year,
knowing I would want it later. Sent in my rebate request.
Discarded the box not knowing a reason I should keep. Two
weeks ago tried to install only to find I had a defective
CD. Circuit City will not exchange for a good copy
because it has been more than 30 days since purchase.

What recourse do I have?

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

If he discarded the box he probably doesn't have the key anyway (-:

Scott M.

The CD's will have a unit number on them which MS can use to determine
if/when they were sold.

T Smith

Go back to circuit city with your receipt and raise hell. Regardless of
their 30 day policy, if they sold you a bad copy they should be responsible
for it!

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