Windows XP Password



I wanted to get into XP without using a password. I
didn't use a password, just hit enter.
I went to User Accounts and turned off the box that
says "User must enter a user name and password to use
this computer". When I booted I can't get into the
computer at all. I get a logon message that says "Unable
to log you on because of an account restriction."
I have tried everything. Am I going to have to reload my
system? Help, I'm desparate.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

When you unchecked the box Users must, you left the account name as Administrator. IN XP Home, you can only log in to the the built in Administrator account in Safe Mode. Go back, repeat the steps and enter the username you want logged on automatically.


That worked. Thanks a million.

-----Original Message-----
When you unchecked the box Users must, you left the
account name as Administrator. IN XP Home, you can only
log in to the the built in Administrator account in Safe
Mode. Go back, repeat the steps and enter the username
you want logged on automatically.
Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows Media Center\Windows Powered Smart Display
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
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"Bruce" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...


You wrote in response to Bruce:
When you unchecked the box Users must, you left the
account name as Administrator. IN XP Home, you can only
log in to the the built in Administrator account in Safe
Mode. Go back, repeat the steps and enter the username
you want logged on automatically.

I have the identical problem in that when I rebooted, I
couldn't get into windows at all. I also get a login
error message that says "Unable to log you on because of
an account restriction." Yes, it comes up with the
Administrator as user and it accepts the password, but
responds with the above login error message. I have tried
entering my normal user name that I use on all my
computers, but as I don't recall ever entering a password
(the computer is only 2 months old and I use it solely
for POS work), it comes up with an error message about
wrong username/password if I leave it blank. I might add,
a computer guy set up my PC, and I haven't been in any
area of this computer aside from the progam which it
runs. I wanted to avoid contacting him about this problem
as he no doubt will charge me an arm and a leg just for

Shall I try entering a variety of possible passwords, or
will this make things worse by being locked out

Doug Knox MS-MVP

If its not accepting a blank password, then you're pretty much out of luck. You need to call the person that set up your computer and see if they maintained a record of the password they used.

Alternatively, boot the computer in Safe Mode and let the Administrator account logon. You can change/assign the password for any account from the Administrator account.

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