Windows XP Home won't boot



My computer has been running fine except that occasionally booting up has
been slow.
Now suddenly, it is refusing to boot unless I either go into safe mode and
use System Restore or I try using settings which last worked.
The next time it may boot fine BUT the next time after that, it will likely
not boot again unless I try System Restore etc.
It is very frustrating.
I have done nothing to the computer that I can think of in terms of new
software or deletions or anything which might have caused this.
One moment it was fine and then the problems appreared.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Ron Badour

Since the PC boots in safe mode, there is apparently something being loaded
in normal mode that prevents booting and you will have to determine what
that might be (maybe a driver problem, virus, malware, etc.) Here is a
troubleshooting method:

How to perform advanced clean-boot troubleshooting in Windows XP


Thank you Ron.
That is much appreciated and I will try following the article and let you
know how I get on.
Best wishes,


pHi Ron,
It's a strange thing but the computer seems to have recovered on its own. I
will keep a note of this in case it happens again.
Thanks indeed: much appreciated.
Best wishes,

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