Windows XP Home Edition Setup error.



Whenever Windows restarts in setup it goes to a blue screen and says:

Setup cannot find a CD-ROM drive.
Setup cannot continue.
Press F3 to exit setup.

Is there anything I can do about this?


Windows should not start in setup..If xp errored during installation or
did not finish installing then errored on restart,etc,set to boot to xp cd in
BIOS (1st boot priority or similiar,set hd as 2nd),once at xp cd set
install xp,new copy,delete the partition,create one,then xp formats &
Also,make sure the BIOS is set up this way,& make sure no other devices are
connected during set up (2nd hd,printer,etc).


Thank You Andrew E for responding. It looks like you know what to do but I do
not understand how to do everything you wrote. Can you explain in easier
directions for a not so computer expert. Thanks again.


Richard said:
Thank You Andrew E for responding. It looks like you know what to do but I
do not understand how to do everything you wrote. Can you explain in
easier directions for a not so computer expert. Thanks again.

Andrew E. is a troll. At best the information he gives is wrong; at worst it
is destructive. Ignore him.

If your set up is failing to see the CD-ROM drive, you have hardware
failures that have nothing to do with Windows. Can your CD-ROM drive be
seen in the BIOS? If not, swap it out for a known-working optical drive. If
that doesn't help, the problem is on your motherboard.

If what I wrote above doesn't make any sense to you, take the machine to a
professional computer repair shop (not your local version of Big StoreUSA).
There is no shame in doing this.


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