Windows XP Home Edition - Error message when starting pc



I'm rather illiterate when it comes to tech stuff but here is the message I'm
getting when I turn on my pc (I had no trouble until I disconnected the
monitor, mouse and keyboard to use on an older pc temporarily).

STOP: c0000135 {unable to locate component}
This application has failed to start because USP10.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

What should I do?



Did you try restarting the pc....If so try going to:
That may help,but it refrences to scripts,have you downloaded script
for xp yet,get v5.6, also script debugger for xp and script component wizard.
Worse comes to worse,press F8 at start up,select safe mode,enter xp as admin-
istrator,go to run,type:cmd In cmd type:Sfc /Scannow When its thru type:
CHKDSK C: /F Agree type:EXIT Restart pc


webbo25 said:
I have exactly the same problem, blue screen stop C0000135 and failure
to locate USP10.dll. I can't restart in safe mode or appear not to be
able to do so and I had windows XP preinstalled on my lap top - does
anyone know what i should do?

Info on Usp10.dll

Info on that error message

You're options to fix this are limited without an installation CD.

On one particular SP2 system in the c:\windows\system32 folder that file has
the following attributes.
version: 1.420.2600.2180
Size: 397 KB
Date Modified 8/4/2004

You could try copying that file from a working system that that has the same
version of XP with same service pack level to a CD, then borrow someone's XP
installation CD, and booting from that enter the recovery console. Once
there copy the file from CD to the C:\windows\system32 folder.

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP

If that doesn't work then you're next option is to restore XP using the
recovery method that came with your system. Normally this is a destructive
recovery (All data and settings will be lost. Restore data from a backup
and reinstall all programs from original media). Check the documentation
that came with it or contact the computer's tech support to see what the
options are. Some do offer a non destructive recovery.

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