Windows XP Crashes after memory upgrade



I am running an HP Pavillion xt919 with Windows XP Pro.

I have tried to upgrade my memory with an extra 256 (currently I only have 128)

The computer starts fine - passes the BIOS memory check - loads Windows XP (I see the Welcome screen
then it resets. It keeps doing this until I hold down the power button.

I have the most recent BIOS on my system and the computer is working fine without the 256 RAM.

Installing just the 256 RAM locks the computer at the HP screen.

Is the RAM bad? Or is there a fix

All suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.


Joseph Meehan

This is likely not a Windows problem.

If you remove the new memory will it boot?

Could be you have some defective memory, or it is not properly seated in
the socket. It is also possible you have the wrong type of memory.

Did you keep the old memory and add to it. If so are the two memories
identical in size and type?


Brian said:
I am running an HP Pavillion xt919 with Windows XP Pro.
I have tried to upgrade my memory with an extra 256 (currently
I only have 128). The computer starts fine - passes the BIOS
memory check - loads Windows XP (I see the Welcome screen)
then it resets. It keeps doing this until I hold down the power button.
I have the most recent BIOS on my system and the computer is
working fine without the 256 RAM.....<snip>

Suggest running overnight:



Thanks for the help.

I am no "pro" but I have installed hundreds of memory upgrades on many different computers and this is the first time I have had a problem like this.

The RAM is correct. It is seated correct. The size matching according to HP is fine (128 and 256).

I returned the first RAM believing that it was faulty and now I am getting this error message when booting:

Problem with win32k.sys

If I boot into the BIOS the RAM is shown and the memory test passes. It is only when Windows XP Pro goes to load (at the Welcome screen) that it crashes.

Thanks again for all the help.


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