Windows - Wrong Volume?



When I try to install a program that has more than 1 install disk I recieve
the error, Windows - Wrong Volume, Make sure Disk 1 is in Drive D (Not
exactly verbatam, but close), with the options of Retry, Continue, Cancel.
The error doesn't go away easily either, I need to click Cancel a bunch of
times. And the final result is the program I need installed fails to install
with a setup.exe error.

After searching around I found that Nero or Alcohol 120% (which I have) can
cause this to happen because of the virtual drive they create, but first I
disabled the vd, still happened, and then I uninstalled both programs, but I
still get the error.
I've tried cleaning the registry and disabling other programs from startup.
Anyone familiar with this error? Thanks

Nathan McNulty

Are you installing this off CD or off a mounted ISO file? I get this
error occasionally when installing video games that have multiple CD's.
Namely Knight of the Old Republic and Beyond Good and Evil. What you
may want to try doing is install the program again, but this time, when
it asks for Disk 2, wait a while until the disk has stopped spinning and
there are no indicator lights on the front of the drive. Now change CD's
and see if the problem exists. What happens sometimes is that the
program gets ahead of the disks and the CD hasn't quite finished copying
files over.

Lastly, did you try inserting disk 1 again when it asked for it?
Clicking cancel will never work and retry is your only option, but you
have to put the proper disk back in.

Nathan McNulty


Hi Nathan,

Nathan McNulty said:
Are you installing this off CD or off a mounted ISO file?

Directly from the CD

I get this
error occasionally when installing video games that have multiple CD's.
Namely Knight of the Old Republic and Beyond Good and Evil. What you
may want to try doing is install the program again, but this time, when
it asks for Disk 2, wait a while until the disk has stopped spinning and
there are no indicator lights on the front of the drive. Now change CD's
and see if the problem exists. What happens sometimes is that the
program gets ahead of the disks and the CD hasn't quite finished copying
files over.

I usually swap out the CD's when it asks and then when I do put the second
one in I wait until I hear it begin to spin and then click 'OK'.
Lastly, did you try inserting disk 1 again when it asked for it?

Sure did.
Clicking cancel will never work and retry is your only option, but you
have to put the proper disk back in.

I tried clicking all options that are offered in the error but always with
the same results.
This is very strange :(

Jul 26, 2007
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I've installed 2 seperate copies of Age Of Empires III and had the same problem. I thought it was a problem specific to that game but i found that if the right disk is in the drive just hit continue a few times and it works, but if it is in fact the right disk just change it... obviously.
I'ts anoying and you should'nt have to do it but it worked for me.

nice 1 good luck***

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