windows vs mac



Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my PC with a
Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I perfer
Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try to tell
that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to use, They have
I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that this
debate won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that VISTA will
shut some of them up.

A devoted PC/ Windows user
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be interested in
one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.


rosaria said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my PC with a
Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I perfer
Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try to tell
that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to use, They have
I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that this
debate won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that VISTA will
shut some of them up.

A devoted PC/ Windows user
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be interested in
one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.

And your question regarding Win XP is?


Shenan Stanley

rosaria said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my
PC with a Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design
classes, but I perfer Windows. I realize they're two different
operating systems, but try to tell that to a Mac user and all you
get is mac is so much easier to use, They have I-this and I-that,
blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that this debate
won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that VISTA
will shut some of them up.

A devoted PC/ Windows user
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be
interested in one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.

You did the same thing you complain about - but on the opposite side - just

They all work the same. Everyone can argue all they want, but it is like
any other belief - people will stick to what makes the most sense to them
and most people (unfortunately) will not bother to have the open mind to
say, "That's what is good for you, this is what is good for me and other
people have other things that work better for them."

In other words - taking sides in this is just futile. You use what works
for you, everything else will work around that. I use them all (and try out
the new stuff as it appears) - so I have no true preference. I may help
here in the Windows newsgroups - but that is because my career has me
supporting more Windows users than anyone else - although I do support *nix
and Macintosh users as well.

Remember - the only reason you are defending your use of anything is because
you choose to. You don't have to defend anything you do, it's your choice.


rosaria said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my PC with a
Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I perfer
Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try to tell
that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to use, They have
I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that this
debate won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that VISTA will
shut some of them up.

A devoted PC/ Windows user
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be interested in
one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.

Computers are just another tool that can be used in accomplishing
a task...that's all. Use the best one for the job at hand. That's
all there is to it. Windows machines to better at some jobs while
Mac's, at others. And then there are more sophisticated machines
such as the Sun, SGI, etc., that are good for what they were built.

Pez D Spencer

unfortunately, dead horses can't give you an opinion on the matter when
you beat them.


Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my PC
with a Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I
perfer Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try
to tell that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to
use, They have
I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that
this debate won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that
VISTA will shut some of them up.
Only after they've stopped laughing hard enough.
A devoted PC/ Windows user

There's none so blind as he who will not see.
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be interested
one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.

Yes, it's called Zune and you only have to reboot it once between each mp3
you play.

WGA is the best thing that has happened for Linux in a while.

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:

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rosaria said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my
PC with a Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes,
but I perfer Windows. I realize they're two different operating
systems, but try to tell that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is
so much easier to use, They have I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!!
I've come to the conclution that this debate won't end any time soon,
but can you atleast tell me that VISTA will shut some of them up.

A devoted PC/ Windows user
PS. Does microsoft have an Mp3 player in the works, would be
interested in one if so. I have no desire to purchase on I-pod.

Mac users have a different outlook toward their computers -- it's somewhere
between beloved pet and child.

They knit sweaters for their Macs, take them on long walks in the rain,
write poems to them or about them, carry pictures of their computer in their
wallet. They have birthday parties for their Macs' and invite all of their
Mac's friends who each get a bit of cake and a funny hat.

They may appear to be arguing the merits but to them they are validating an
emotional investment; it brings meaning to their otherwise drab existence.

When you say: "My PC can do "x" just as well as yours," they hear: "Your
child smells funny." When you say: "My PC is faster..." they hear: "Your
child's tounge is too big, that's why it hangs out. He's also a dip."

Leave the Mac user alone. It's therapy. Like basket weaving.


I will agree with the majority of posters, taking sides is
futile, especially when DIScussing with Linux PHans.

I will say that Windows XP is an improvement over Version 3.1
and subsequent versions, and quite a bit better than my old
Magnavox Odyssey 2, may it rest in peace (pieces most likely).

Doug W.


Doug said:
I will agree with the majority of posters, taking sides is
futile, especially when DIScussing with Linux PHans.

I will say that Windows XP is an improvement over Version 3.1
and subsequent versions, and quite a bit better than my old
Magnavox Odyssey 2, may it rest in peace (pieces most likely).
<major snip>

You have to be joking?

After Win 3.11, Billy Goat listened to the Telephone Sanitisers and all
the other idiot professions on this planet like PR clowns that cost us a
fortune and do nothing for society except act in a parasitical manner.

Whilst XP is stable, it lacks logic! You have to have something like
"Total Commander" to appreciate where the hell Billy Goat's foolish
child stuffs files!


rosaria said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my
PC with a
Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I
Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try
to tell
that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to use,

So what? A shovel is much easier to use than a backhoe. I spluged and
bought a Mac once, one of the original models, it had a nine inch
black and white screen and a 512k floppy disc. My first though when I
fied it up was, "Isn't that cute?"

I'll asmit they've come a long way since then, but their main selling
point is still that they're so cute. You can't top that, so forget it.
When they tell you how wonderful it is, just pet them on the head and
say, "Isn't that cute?"

Disclaimer: I live in Texas and can still get by with the behavior I
suggested. Your mileage may vary.


They have


GHalleck said:
Computers are just another tool that can be used in accomplishing
a task...that's all. Use the best one for the job at hand. That's
all there is to it. Windows machines to better at some jobs while
Mac's, at others. And then there are more sophisticated machines
such as the Sun, SGI, etc., that are good for what they were built.

Close, but no cigar. We don't really have "Windows" machines, unless
you're talking about an Xbox or the newly touted Zune. We have
Microsoft Software. Apple has Apple machines, that's why they're all
cute. It is a designed in feature. All apple machines must pass a
cuteness test. This wasn't always the case, that's why they had to get
Jobs back. He reinstituted the cuteness rule.



Doug said:
I will agree with the majority of posters, taking sides is futile,
especially when DIScussing with Linux PHans.

I will say that Windows XP is an improvement over Version 3.1 and
subsequent versions, and quite a bit better than my old Magnavox
Odyssey 2, may it rest in peace (pieces most likely).

Well, if we're going to drag out the oldies, I can say that with XP,
Microsoft finally has an operating system that is as stable as my
Tandy Model Twelve(upgraded to Model Sixteen) was after I put Tandy
Xenix on it.

Of course there were nine users for the Tandy and there's only me
using XP, but their are other considerations. The Tandy didn't do a
very good job with .mp3s



HeyBub said:
Mac users have a different outlook toward their computers -- it's
somewhere between beloved pet and child.

They knit sweaters for their Macs, take them on long walks in the
rain, write poems to them or about them, carry pictures of their
computer in their wallet. They have birthday parties for their Macs'
and invite all of their Mac's friends who each get a bit of cake and
a funny hat.

They may appear to be arguing the merits but to them they are
validating an emotional investment; it brings meaning to their
otherwise drab existence.

When you say: "My PC can do "x" just as well as yours," they hear:
"Your child smells funny." When you say: "My PC is faster..." they
hear: "Your child's tounge is too big, that's why it hangs out. He's
also a dip."

Leave the Mac user alone. It's therapy. Like basket weaving.

Well, I surrender. I gave it a shot but I have to hand you the award
for the funniest post in this thread, so far. My hat is off to you,
and no, it's not a Stetson, even though I'm from Texas.

*It's custom made, by the way, by Manny Gammage (may he rest in peace)
at Texas Hatters. They top the best.



=?Utf-8?B?cm9zYXJpYQ==?= said:
Just a comment, I'm really getting sick and tried of deffending my PC with a
Mac. I've used Mac at school in my graghic design classes, but I perfer
Windows. I realize they're two different operating systems, but try to tell
that to a Mac user and all you get is mac is so much easier to use, They have
I-this and I-that, blah blah blah!!! I've come to the conclution that this
debate won't end any time soon, but can you atleast tell me that VISTA will
shut some of them up.

NO, Vista wont help you.


PC User sees a Linux user: "Hey! you're one of those condescending Linux
users aren't you!"
Linux user flips $2 to PC user: "Here sonny, buy yourself a real computer"

Thankyou Dilbert!!!


Macs 20 years ago had all the dtp applications which are now available to PC

There is very little difference now I would say.

The fact is that because most people (outside a graphics environment) use
PC's to get a job, give training or whatever you really need to use a PC to
be able to be up to speed when getting a job in the real world.

I had a Mac at home until 5 years ago - and the main reason that I got a PC
was that I needed to be up-to-speed in the workplace.

Having said that with a system that relies much more on the use of the mouse
I think that one is more likely to get RSI.

It sounds to me that you are trying to hard.

If you prefer something you stick to it - why do you have to try and
convince the Mac users that yours is better. Afterall that is what they do.

Interestingly the place where we all used to use Macs they have now
converted to PC's so I believe.

It is much harder to draw up instructions eg in training for a system that
is purely graphical. If I want to tell you something which just consists of
mouse actions it is very easy to draw up a list of instructions, whereas it
is quite easy to do that for something that is command or menu driven.


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