Windows Vista will not boot after clean install



Hello All,

My Pavilion desktop will not boot after "clean install" of Windows Vista.
The only kind of boot I can get out of Vista is in safe mode. In which, I
still can't solve the problem. Sometimes, a welcome screen comes on and
freezes. Does this have anything to do with my video card. Do I have to
update my driver. If so, how can I install the new driver once I "clean
install" Vista. I can't even get pass the welcome screen. If you have any
insight into this matter, please help!!! Thank you in advance for any
suggestions you might have.

My specs: Pentium 4 (3 GHZ)
1 GB Memory
80 GB Hard Drive
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 (on-board)265MB

Stuart Forshaw

Hi JoJo
We have tested clean install of Vista Ultimate on a HP Pavilion with P4
2.67ghz 1gb Ram with no problems.

However we did have a similar problem with XP, which was down to a creative
Live Sound card, which for some reason XP did not like, after removal of the
card and using the onboard AC97 sound, it was fine.

Did you run the Vista Advisor, to check that all is compitable with your
version of Vista?

I have read elsewhere that the ATI X200 onboard graphics has presented
problems for other users, where disabling in Bios and installing another
graphics card remedies the problem.

If you require further assistance, please post.



Hi Stuart,

Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, I still have not solve the problem.
Before installing Vista I ran Vista Advisor and it said that my system would
be o.k. But it wasn't after installing.

I don't think I will buy another graphics card. I will try to stick with
this one and solve the problem. I recently downloaded the new driver for
Radeon 200. I hope it works.

I also upgraded my BIOS driver. They said that might have something to do
with the boot process.

If worse comes to worse, I will have to take your advice and buy a new
graphic card. But for now I will see how everything goes. Thanks again! :)

Best Regards,


Hello Again,

Yupiiii!!! I finally fixed my boot problem. Now my Vista will boot fine
without any problems whatsoever. I downloaded the new BIOS from HP. My
problem after all was my BIOS. I had an old version, so it wouldn't boot
Vista. My graphics card didn't have anything to do with the problem. But, I
also upgraded my graphics card driver from ATI. If someone outthere is having
this kind of problem I recommend upgrading your BIOS first before installing


Stuart Forshaw

Hi JoJo

I am pleased that you managed to sort your problem with the BIOS upgrade,
since my earlier response to you, I visited the ATI site, if I am reading it
correctly the Radeon 200 card is NOT fully compatible with Vista. The lowest
card they list is the X300. As you may be aware many older cards will work
of a fashion with Vista, but under reduced facilities mode.


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